Get instant access to the most popular commodities available directly on our trading platform: Gold, Oil, Silver and more. With OffersFX, you can trade commodities exactly the same way as currency pairs with no physical purchase or sale of the commodity.
Fixed spreads between the buy and the sell prices. Enjoy trading with no commissions! To view our fees, please Click Here.
Trade in every commodity market we offer, from crude oil and precious metals to coffee, cotton, and other softs. Magnify your trading potential using the tool of leverage. Remember that leverage can work both for you as well as against you and should be cautious when using it.
Use your market predictions to determine your opening Buy or Sale position. Trade the opportunities which arise from the rises and falls in the market.
With our state-of-the-art trading tools you can set pre-defined profit/loss limits. Your position will close when your targets are met.
It takes less than 2 minutes to open an account with OffersFX. Use Credit Card or Bank Transfer to fund your account.
For more information about this investment product, please click here
List of Commodities